Strona specjalistyczna przeznaczona tylko dla podmiotów medycznych

About company Dor-Med

Welcome to the website of Dor-Med, a Polish manufacturer of audiometric cabins, distinguished primarily by reliability and high quality of workmanship. Our offer includes both silence cabins dedicated to small offices and large clinics and hospitals.

Starting with advice on choosing a cabin through professional installation, implementation, training and service, we do everything in our power to ensure that our products are properly used and contribute to the satisfaction of our customers and their patients.

Professional commercial service and efficient warranty and post-warranty service makes the purchase in our company an investment for many years. In turn, many years of cooperation with the best clinics and individual medical practices allows us to believe that together we are changing the face of Polish healthcare.

The hearing test booths we offer have the Certificate of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.

Certyfikat Najwyższa Jakość dla firmy DOR-MED Waldemara Lipińskiego za profesjonalizm i najwyższą jakość świadczonych usług medycznych w zakresie protetyki słuchu oraz europejski poziom zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem.

In recognition of our achievements, as the only audioprothetic company in the country we have obtained the certificate “The highest quality in medicine”, comparable with the certificate “Teraz Polska”.

We received this certificate for the professionalism and the highest quality of medical services rendered in the field of hearing prosthetics and the European level of company management.

A few words about the history of Dor-Med - a Polish producer of audiometric silence cabins

We have been dealing with hearing care since 1992. We started in Poland as one of the first. As part of our activity, we conducted hearing care facilities in seven voivodships, where we performed hearing tests and selection of hearing aids, employing several dozen well-qualified people choosing hearing aids according to the latest methods.

Due to problems in finding qualified employees at that time, in cooperation with the Medical Vocational School in Rzeszów, we organized postgraduate studies in which several dozen hearing care professionals were educated.

In 2012, we enriched them with sound systems for school and conference rooms, dedicated to both deaf and normally hearing people.

Low social awareness of the issues of exposure to noise and the resulting hearing losses, prompted us to be the organizer or co-organizer of thematic conferences and national and regional hearing days.

We also presented this topic during national and provincial ENT and speech therapy conferences.

Every hearing care room as well as every audiology room and occupational medicine center should have a certified silence cabin. The basic problem a few years ago was the lack of places where a proper diagnosis could be made. And we solved this problem.

The analysis of prices of suppliers of these products forced us in 2011 to decide to start our own production of silence cabins. Silence cabins have been created through trial and error, where the patient can count on proper and comfortable diagnosis.

As a result of tests and research, in cooperation with the technical universities of Poznań and Bydgoszcz, we have developed innovative constructions and as a result we have obtained the right to the CE mark. We have submitted these constructions to the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.

Satisfaction and satisfaction of customers and users is our highest good.

We are very happy that we can also present our activities during the finals of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, including conducting hearing tests at the TVP Studio in Warsaw in the silence cabins we produce.

kabiny ciszy targi
Poznań Medical Fair Salmed
Our Hospitals Challenges & Reality

Contact us and we'll be happy to advise you on choosing the right cabin.

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